全局配置文件 config/admin.php
return [
| Laravel-admin name
| 登录页面的大标题,显示在登录页面
'name' => 'Laravel-admin',
| Laravel-admin logo
| 管理页面的logo设置
'logo' => [
'image' => '/vendor/laravel-admin/AdminLTE/img/AdminLTELogo.png',
'text' => '<span class="font-weight-bolder">Laravel-admin</span>'
| Laravel-admin bootstrap setting
| 用来设置启动文件
'bootstrap' => app_path('Admin/bootstrap.php'),
| Laravel-admin route settings
| 后台路由配置,应用在`app/Admin/routes.php`里面
'route' => [
'prefix' => 'admin',
'namespace' => 'App\\Admin\\Controllers',
'middleware' => ['web', 'admin'],
| Laravel-admin install directory
| 后台的安装目录,如果在运行`admin:install`之前修改它,那么后台目录将会是这个配置的目录
'directory' => app_path('Admin'),
| Laravel-admin html title
| 所有页面的<title>标签内容
'title' => 'Admin',
| Access via `https`
| 后台是否使用https
'https' => env('ADMIN_HTTPS', false),
| Laravel-admin auth setting
| 后台用户使用的用户认证配置
'auth' => [
'controller' => App\Admin\Controllers\AuthController::class,
'guards' => [
'admin' => [
'driver' => 'session',
'provider' => 'admin',
'providers' => [
'admin' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => Encore\Admin\Models\Administrator::class,
// Add "remember me" to login form
'remember' => true,
// 登陆之后的跳转地址
'redirect_to' => 'auth/login',
// 登陆验证的排除URI
'excepts' => [
| Laravel-admin upload setting
| 在Form表单中的image和file类型的默认上传磁盘和目录设置,其中disk的配置会使用在
| config/filesystem.php里面配置的一项disk
'upload' => [
// `config/filesystem.php`中设置的disk
'disk' => 'admin',
// image和file类型表单元素的上传目录
'directory' => [
'image' => 'images',
'file' => 'files',
| Laravel-admin database settings
| 安装laravel-admin之后,默认会在数据库中新建下面2张表,包括用户、菜单表
| 其中的`connection`配置为下面几个模型所使用的数据库连接,对应`config/database.php`
| 中的connections里面设置的connection,
| 如果你想修改数据库里面这几个表的名字,可以在运行`admin:install`之前修改它们
| 如果install之后想修改,那么可以手动在数据库中修改,然后再修改下面几项的值
| 如果你需要在表里面增加字段,可以自定义模型,然后替换掉下面的模型设置即可,控制器的修改
| 也可以通过覆盖路由的方式、覆盖掉内置的路由配置
'database' => [
// Database connection for following tables.
'connection' => '',
// User tables and model.
'users_table' => 'admin_users',
'users_model' => Encore\Admin\Auth\Database\Administrator::class,
// Menu table and model.
'menu_table' => 'admin_menu',
'menu_model' => Encore\Admin\Auth\Database\Menu::class,
| User default avatar
| 默认头像
'default_avatar' => '/vendor/laravel-admin/AdminLTE/img/user2-160x160.jpg',
| 主题设置
| @see https://adminlte.io/docs/3.0/layout.html
'theme' => [
| Available layout options.
| Fixed Sidebar: use the class `.layout-fixed` to get a fixed sidebar.
| Fixed Navbar: use the class `.layout-navbar-fixed` to get a fixed navbar.
| Fixed Footer: use the class `.layout-footer-fixed` to get a fixed footer.
| Collapsed Sidebar: use the class `.sidebar-collapse` to have a collapsed sidebar upon loading.
| Boxed Layout: use the class `.layout-boxed` to get a boxed layout that stretches only to 1250px.
| Top Navigation: use the class `.layout-top-nav` to remove the sidebar and have your links at the top navbar.
'layout' => ['sidebar-mini', 'sidebar-collapse', 'text-sm'],
| Default color for all links.
| navbar-light or navbar-dark for content color
| navbar-$color for backgroud color
| Available $color options:
| primary secondary secondary info warning danger black gray-dark gray
| light indigo navy purple fuchsia pink maroon orange lime teal olive
'navbar' => 'navbar-light navbar-white',
| Default color for all links.
| Available options:
| primary secondary secondary info warning danger black gray-dark gray
| light indigo navy purple fuchsia pink maroon orange lime teal olive
'accent' => 'info',
| Default color for card form and buttons.
| light-$color or dark-$color
| Available $color options:
| primary secondary secondary info warning danger black gray-dark gray
| light indigo navy purple fuchsia pink maroon orange lime teal olive
'sidebar' => 'light-info',
| Default color for card, form and buttons.
| Available options:
| primary secondary secondary info warning danger
'color' => 'info',
| Logo backgroud color.
| Available color options:
| primary secondary secondary info warning danger black gray-dark gray
| light indigo navy purple fuchsia pink maroon orange lime teal olive
'logo' => 'light',
| Login page background image
| 登录页面的背景图设置
'login_background_image' => '',
| Show version at footer
| 是否在页面的右下角显示当前laravel-admin的版本
'show_version' => true,
| Show environment at footer
| 是否在页面的右下角显示当前的环境
'show_environment' => true,
| Enable default breadcrumb
| 是否开启页面的面包屑导航
'enable_default_breadcrumb' => true,
| 是否开启静态资源文件的压缩
'minify_assets' => [
// 不需要被压缩的文件
'excepts' => [
| 用来设置顶部的文字提示.
'top_alert' => '',
| 设置数据表格的操作列显示类
'table_action_class' => \Encore\Admin\Table\Displayers\DropdownActions::class,
| Extension Directory
| 如果你要运行`php artisan admin:extend`命令来开发扩展,需要配置这一项,来存放你的扩展文件
'extension_dir' => app_path('Admin/Extensions'),
| Settings for extensions.
| 每一个laravel-admin扩展对应的配置,都写在这下面,扩展可以参考 https://github.com/laravel-admin-extensions
'extensions' => [
* Laravel-admin - admin builder based on Laravel.
* @author z-song <https://github.com/z-song>
* Bootstraper for Admin.
* Here you can remove builtin form field:
* Encore\Admin\Form::forget(['map', 'editor']);
* Or extend custom form field:
* Encore\Admin\Form::extend('php', PHPEditor::class);
* Or require js and css assets:
* Admin::css('/packages/prettydocs/css/styles.css');
* Admin::js('/packages/prettydocs/js/main.js');