The built-in map
and editor
fields requires the front-end files via cdn, and if there are problems with the network, they can be removed in the following ways
Locate the file app/Admin/bootstrap.php
. If the file does not exist, update laravel-admin
and create this file.
use Encore\Admin\Form;
// or
Form::forget(['map', 'editor']);
This removes the two fields, which can be used to remove the other fields.
Extend a PHP code editor based on codemirror with the following steps.
see PHP mode.
Download and unzip the codemirror library to the front-end resource directory, for example, in the directory public/packages/codemirror-5.20.2
Create a new field class app/Admin/Extensions/PHPEditor.php
namespace App\Admin\Extensions;
use Encore\Admin\Form\Field;
class PHPEditor extends Field
protected $view = 'admin.php-editor';
protected static $css = [
protected static $js = [
public function render()
$this->script = <<<EOT
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("{$this->id}"), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: "text/x-php",
extraKeys: {
"Tab": function(cm){
cm.replaceSelection(" " , "end");
return parent::render();
Static resources in the class can also be imported from outside, see Editor.php
Create a view file resources/views/admin/php-editor.blade.php
<div class="form-group {!! !$errors->has($label) ?: 'has-error' !!}">
<label for="{{$id}}" class="col-sm-2 control-label">{{$label}}</label>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<textarea class="form-control" id="{{$id}}" name="{{$name}}" placeholder="{{ trans('admin::lang.input') }} {{$label}}" {!! $attributes !!} >{{ old($column, $value) }}</textarea>
Finally, find the file app/Admin/bootstrap.php
, if the file does not exist, update laravel-admin
, and then create this file, add the following code:
use App\Admin\Extensions\PHPEditor;
use Encore\Admin\Form;
Form::extend('php', PHPEditor::class);
And then you can use PHP editor in model-form:
In this way, you can add any form fields you want to add.
Here is another example to show you how to integrate ckeditor.
At first download CKEditor, unzip to public directory, for example public/packages/ckeditor/
Then Write Extension class app/Admin/Extensions/Form/CKEditor.php
namespace App\Admin\Extensions\Form;
use Encore\Admin\Form\Field;
class CKEditor extends Field
public static $js = [
protected $view = 'admin.ckeditor';
public function render()
$this->script = "$('textarea.{$this->getElementClassString()}').ckeditor();";
return parent::render();
Add blade file resources/views/admin/ckeditor.blade.php
for view admin.ckeditor
<div class="form-group {!! !$errors->has($errorKey) ?: 'has-error' !!}">
<label for="{{$id}}" class="col-sm-2 control-label">{{$label}}</label>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<textarea class="form-control {{$class}}" id="{{$id}}" name="{{$name}}" placeholder="{{ $placeholder }}" {!! $attributes !!} >{{ old($column, $value) }}</textarea>
Register this extension in app/Admin/bootstrap.php
use Encore\Admin\Form;
use App\Admin\Extensions\Form\CKEditor;
Form::extend('ckeditor', CKEditor::class);
After this you can use ckeditor in your form: