
Since v1.5.16

Encore\Admin\Show is used to show the details of the data. Let's take an example. There is a posts table in the database:

    id          - integer
    author_id   - integer
    content     - text
    title       - string
    content     - text
    rate        - integer
    release_at  - timestamp

The corresponding data model is App\Models\Post, and the following code can show the data details of the posts table:


namespace App\Admin\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Post;
use Encore\Admin\Facades\Admin;
use Encore\Admin\Layout\Content;
use Encore\Admin\Show;

class PostController extends Controller
    public function show($id)
        return Admin::content(function (Content $content) use ($id) {


            $content->body(Admin::show(Post::findOrFail($id), function (Show $show) {

                $show->field('id', 'ID');
                $show->field('title', 'Title');


If you want to show all the fields directly, you can use the following simple method:


If you want to show the specified field directly:

$content->body(Admin::show(Post::findOrFail($id), ['id', 'title', 'content']));

Or specify the label for each field:

$content->body(Admin::show(Post::findOrFail($id), [
    'id'        => 'ID',
    'title'     => 'Title',
    'content'   => 'Contents'

Basic usage

Escape content

In order to prevent XSS attacks, the default output content will be HTML escape, if you don't want to escape the output HTML, you can call the unescape method:

$show->avatar()->unescape()->as(function ($avatar) {

     return "<img src='{$avatar}' />";


Modify the style and title of the panel

    ->title('post detail...');

The value of style could be primary, info, danger, warning, default

Panel tool settings

There are three buttons Edit, Delete, List in the upper right corner of the panel. You can turn them off in the following ways:

    ->tools(function ($tools) {